
April 6, 2016

Promptly Journals

Life has been crazy lately. So much going on in this little house from changing diapers to road trips to a handful of projects keeping me pretty busy. Some days I feel like our girls get a little stir crazy from being at the house all day so trying to keep them entertained can sometimes feel like another "to do" on the list. Luckily as they're getting older the more they're able to get creative and learning how to entertain themselves. There have been a handful of times I've found them sitting together reading books on Raleigh's bed or all crammed around their baby sister trying to be the one closest to her. Its these moments that make me stop and just watch for a minute. Its these moments I don't want to miss. 

As the days recently have felt like they're flying by I want so badly to remember every detail of each of my girls at the stages they're at right now. When I was first pregnant with Raleigh I promised that I would start a journal for each of my kids, writing to them, documenting their milestones, taking note of every first word or first step or first whatever. I did pretty good with my first baby. I think I got up until she was 10 months old...and then we had twins. And I started a journal with them, most of which started to look like a grocery list of things scattered on the pages of what I could remember about pregnancy and their first days (but lets face it, that whole season was just a blur). I realized I just couldn't keep up with it all, but I still want so badly to document the days we're going through right now not only for me as a sentimental mama, but for them to grow up and look at someday. For them to know how much I tried to intentionally know them, pray for them, watch them and love them. I want something tangible for them to have when they get older for them to read about these days that they most likely won't remember. 

Then, the best gift came to my door compiling everything I've desired to write down as a mama. I stumbled upon Promptly Journals through Instagram a while back and I was hooked, not only from the colors that match every part of my house perfectly, but because its as though they made this journal just for me! I've always loved to journal and write things down. And the best part is that it doesn't just stop at the baby stage. The design is made to continue documenting throughout their life through age 18. This journal not only gave me an outlet to write down everything for my girls, but intentionally helps me remember parts of their life I might not have written down before. Each page has a handful of questions or "prompts" to document all the special moments.

For instance, as I started writing in it for Sage about my pregnancy with her one  of my favorite prompts I've written so far asked, "what adventures has your baby been on with you?" It was so sweet to remember back to when we found out she was coming and think about all the places she had been with us while she was in my belly. From Germany and Holland to Phoenix and San Francisco and everywhere in between. It made me feel like she actually got to experience those adventures with us and was fully a part of it too. And now someday she'll get to read about the adventures we had as we prepared for her arrival. 

Once I had one journal in my hand I knew I had to grab more for the rest of my girls. So I snatched up 3 more and can't wait to get started on them. 

Right now, for a short time only, they are offering a promo when you buy two journals you get the third half off with the code 3PACK! So any of you thinking about getting one go grab some now. As a mama who can't stop crying every time I realize my girls are "so grown up" I can say confidently you wont regret having one! Your kids will thank you someday too. 

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