
October 31, 2019

Peter Pan Family Halloween Costumes

Well we pulled off another year of family costumes together and I wasn't quite sure if it was going to happen with baby 6 due on Halloween. But it seems baby is staying put for a little longer so we headed out to a park this week to grab some pics of our family theme this year: Peter Pan and the Neverland gang. 

Shane as Captain Hook, Mama as Smee, Dash as Peter Pan, Jaelynn as Tinker Bell, Joci as Wendy, Raleigh and Sage as Mermaids. 

Earlier this summer I introduced the girls to this favorite childhood Disney movie of mine. It was when I was telling them stories about when I was little and pretended to be friends with Peter and the lost boys that one of them said we should dress up like the characters for Halloween! :) Since then, the ideas went swirling in my head of how we'd pull it off. I did a lot of DIY on this one, making the tinker bell skirt and mermaid outfits on my own (and teaching myself to sew with a machine for the first time ever). It was a challenge but actually kind of fun at the same time trying something new creatively. The girls were all really into helping me pick out all the pieces and putting it all together. 

We also added pieces that will be worn again in their regular wardrobe, which I always like to try and do so we get multiple uses out of it. 

I know I probably get myself way too into these things sometimes, but this year after looking back on all our previous dress ups it made me thankful that we have kept this tradition going. It felt like the girls were more involved in picking everything out and choosing what we'd do as a family together so that felt really fun to have them be a part of it more. 

And I can't go without mentioning again how thankful I am that Shane goes along with all of these ideas of mine. He's the best dad, husband, and trooper there is--especially trying out that wig without hesitation just to complete the "look" we were at least trying to go for! haha 

(favorite picture of the night right here--flying Peter Pan ^)

Pretty thankful for this crew of ours! And thankful they let me pull off these silly traditions with them each year. Not sure if I'll be in the hospital or not during trick or treating time, but we'll be wearing our costumes either way :) 

Hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween getting full on all the sugar you can handle! 

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet family. God bless you. Loving the Advent calendar and can't wait to decorate with it this Christmas. 💕
