
January 9, 2018

Dear Daughters - December

Dear Raleigh, 

This Christmas season was probably the best one with you yet. Watching you experience the season made everything more wonderful and brighter and FUN! YOU are SO MUCH FUN! We spent a day at Disneyland with mama's side of the family and it was the sweetest day walking around with you, listening to your excitement and telling me how everything was genuinely your favorite thing. I don't think there was a day gone by this season you didn't talk about baby Jesus or acted out being Mary and Joseph with your sisters. Your personality is becoming more colorful and vibrant, which I didn't know what possible. You love being goofy and laughing at yourself with the people you are the most comfortable around. Your heart is so sweet and sensitive and you continue to amaze me in how thoughtful you are of others. I can't believe how much has grown in you throughout this year--I look back on just a few months and feel like it happened just a minute ago. You are endearing, and playful and so inspiring to me. I can't wait to see what more this next year has to hold for you and with you. 

Dear Joci, 

You are a delight my sweet girl. You have been the sweetest thing lately, learning how to be kind to your sisters and let them enjoy things with you. You are learning to embrace others into your fun and include them into whatever you're into--somethings thats been hard for you in the past, but watching you mature in this makes my heart so proud. Being with you at Disneyland this season was my favorite, seeing how happy you were at the sight of everything around you. You observed every little thing and took it in with so much excitement and delight. You continue to be so affectionate and loving in this way. You ask for my cuddles and hugs and kisses daily and I could give them to you endlessly. You are creative and detailed and purposeful in what you do and I love watching how this plays out in your little world around you. I'm so so proud to be your mama. 

Dear Jaelynn, 

Never a dull moment with you--ever. And I hope that never changes. You are the epitome of JOY! The faces you make, the sound of your voice,  how you play with your sisters and cousins, the way you dance and jump and sing, every little thing you do is done with so much JOY! I love watching you, listening to you, asking you questions, cuddling you, creating with you... I could go on and on. You bring out the best in people. You are so smart and witty and take on everything with laughter. You are the first one to help someone or console them when their sad. You are observant and pay attention to whats important in a situation.  I've never known someone so tiny with such a huge personality and heart. You continue to be the source of making our family more fun and exciting daily and I'm just so thankful to be the one you call Mama. 

Dear Sage, 

My brown-eyed girl. I think it's safe to say you've found your voice around here. You are chatting away like crazy and although we're still trying to figure out some of your language, listening to you is so entertaining. You still try to fight your way to be heard and get what you want, which I think makes sense for being the youngest of your little crew. But you are quick to listen to me and dadda when we try to correct you to use your words instead of screaming to get your way. Your sweet responses of "uh-kay, mama" show me how you're genuinely trying to work through the situation and understand. Lately, you've been nothing but laughter and playfulness  with everything you do. You love to wrestle your sisters and tackle them any chance you get, making it seem like the funniest thing to you. Which makes me think if you have a little brother next you two will be peas in a pod by the time "he" would be able to play along with you! I love watching you grow up and see how easily you go along with anything that comes your way. You continue to bring smile after smile to anyone you encounter and I'm the luckiest to have you as my girl!

I love you girls, more than life itself. 

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