
October 6, 2016

Raleigh's Pink Donut Party

We celebrated Raleigh turning THREE a couple weeks ago! I still can't believe three years have gone by since I first became a mom. Sometimes it feels like forever ago and others it feels like just yesterday. This girl continues to amaze me with her growing personality. Watching her love her sisters and take care of them is something I've loved watching the most this year. There isn't anyone else that can make them laugh like she can and its the sweetest sound to my ears. I never would've thought we'd have so many little ones in such a short period of time, but stepping back to look at the beauty among the chaos of it all sure makes me know how much God knew what he was doing. I've already learned so much just by watching their bond and love for each other, and I'm sure I will get to learn even more as they grow up. 

The pink donut party came to mind after Raleigh's phase of telling me on a daily basis "I yike pink, mama!" and her constant asking for a "pink donut with sprinkles". When I first became a mom of girls, pink was probably the last color I wanted to dress them in. Bright colors and big bows just weren't my style. But since she started to love all things pink, I knew that the color was bound to grow on me.

Once I had the idea in mind I made the invitations, painted a donut sign and got to workin' on the donut piƱata. I randomly stumbled upon Bites Donuts on Instagram and seeing that they not only catered mini donuts but that their truck was PINK, I knew this had to be a part of the fun! The truck was definitely the hit with their custom made toppings and delicious donuts! (seriously, it was dangerous how much I couldn't stop eating them ha!). It was a sweet evening with friends and family gathered together all wearing Raleigh's favorite color. We played donut themed games, sang and opened presents, and ate lots and lots of donuts!

So thankful for all the people that helped put this together to celebrate our little girl. We are pretty stinkin' proud of her!

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