
October 19, 2017

DIY Crowns

I created these cute little crowns for the twins 3rd birthday party over the summer in lieu of party hats. With the upcoming holiday just around the corner I thought it would be fun to share how I made them with just a few simple tools I had around the house. It's so easy and cheap that even if you don't have your costume figured out yet, this DIY project might just do the trick!

Here's what you'll need to get started:

I stocked up as many rolls as I could that still kept in decent shape once it was down to the cardboard. This obviously didn't cost anything extra to gather since we already had these around the house. The only hard part was remembering not to throw them away!

- Cut your roll in half or to the size you want your crown to be when finished. 

- Begin snipping with the tip of your scissors making a diagonal cut about 1/4 of the way down. 

-Make another diagonal cut in the opposite direction next to the cut you just made, making the cuts look like tiny triangles. 
-Repeat steps 2&3 until you come full circle all the way around the crown

Side note: I didn't measure out my cuts going around the crown. Instead, I just eyeballed it making sure that the cuts would line up with each other in the end. You will get some triangles that may be smaller than others, but I kinda liked the organic whimsical, look it gave to it.

-Using the tip of your scissors (you could also use a small hole punch) poke a hole on one side of the crown big enough for a small ribbon or string to go through. Leave enough room from the edge of the crown to where you make your hole so you won't tear through when tying on the string. 
-On the opposite side of the crown, parallel to the hole you just made, poke a second hole for the other piece of string. 

Now you are ready to paint! 
-I used a clothes pin to hold the crown on its edge to move around as I sprayed the entire crown, making sure I covered every spec of cardboard. 

You don't have to use a clothes pin, but it helped keep the paint off my fingers and not leave a blank mark where my finger would've rested on the crown. 

-Let the crown sit and dry for at least 15-20 minutes to make sure there are no sticky wet spots. 

-Measure out the string you will use to tie onto the crown.

 Be sure to leave enough extra string to be able to tie it together underneath the chin or at the bottom of the head. I measured about 10-12 inches for each piece of string.

-Loop one piece of string into one hole, making a knot and tying it securely into the hole. 
Do the same for the other hole. 

And there you have it! You're all done!
Now have a cute little addition to add to any outfit or costume you come up with! I would love to see if you tried this out. Post your pics on social media and tag me so I can see. Hope you had fun with it. 

@coleykuyperart   #coleykuyperart

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